What is Transcendental Meditation?
It’s a simple, natural, effortless technique practiced 20 minutes twice each day while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed.
The TM technique allows your active mind to easily settle inward, through quieter levels of thought, until you experience the most silent and peaceful level of your own awareness — pure consciousness.
Six Things to know about TM
1. Absolutely effortless - It’s so easy and enjoyable that anyone can do it — even children. This makes it very different from other techniques.
- No concentrating
- No control of the mind
- No monitoring of thoughts (mindfulness)
- No trying to "empty the mind"
2. Authentic - The TM technique was founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi over 50 years ago, and has been learned by more than six million people. It can only be taught by certified TM teachers in a course carefully personalized for each individual.
3. It is a Unique technique.
4. Evidence-based - Hundreds of published research studies on the TM technique have documented major benefits for :
- Stress and anxiety
- Brain function
- Cardiovascular health
5. Established - Over six million people have learned the TM technique and experienced its benefits — people of all ages, cultures, religions, and walks of life.
6. Nothing to believe in - The TM technique is not a religion, philosophy, or lifestyle. No belief or expectation is needed for it to be effective.
Why is TM important?
Ramagya has included TM practice with the curricular and this has proved to have high achievements in academics and extracurricular activities for the students. This can be related to two main factors.
First, Transcendental Meditation practice reduces stress. When students are less stressed they naturally learn and behave better.
Second, TM practice improves brain functioning, making the studies much easier.
Here are some highlights that show the effects of TM meditation on students in different age groups.
- It increases brain coherence in measures correlated with improved cognitive functioning.
- It reduces stress, anxiety and depression
- It reduces sleepiness.
- t enhances the ability to successfully reason in new situations.
- It increases the speed of information processing.
- It improves the ability to achieve and maintain emotional and physical well-being, succeed in work, love, social relationships.
- It boosts a cluster of traits including cognitive functioning, personality and social behaviour.
- It promotes a balanced use of cognitive, affective and volitional domains (traits like comprehension, analysis, curiosity, unconventionality, synthesis, and risk/avoidance).
Ramagyan Initiative
TM session is a practical, evidence-based approach to reduce stress and dramatically improve academic performance, student wellness and the school environment.
This session at Ramagya provides students with two 20-minute periods of Transcendental Meditation each day to help balance their lives and improve their readiness to learn. This school wide program complements existing educational strategies by improving the physiological underpinnings of learning and behaviour.
The Quiet Time program: improving academic performance and reducing stress and violence
Stress: the #1 enemy of learning : In low-income urban schools, traumatic stress is a reality for millions of children who grow up in an oppressive climate of poverty, violence, and fear. This stress impedes learning and undermines physical and mental health:
- 25% of teenagers suffer from anxiety disorders
- 6.5 million children struggle from disabilities that impair their ability to learn
- One in four high school students has been offered, sold or given illegal drugs on school property
- One in three children are either overweight or obese
- Nearly 3 million children receive medication for ADHD
- Suicide is the third leading cause of death among teenagers
High stress levels also damage teachers and educators, resulting in extremely high burnout rates.
Stress reduction and cognitive development through Quiet Time :
The Quiet Time program is a practical, evidence-based approach to reduce stress and dramatically improve academic performance, student wellness and the school environment.
Quiet Time provides students with two 15-minute periods of Transcendental Meditation each day to help balance their lives and improve their readiness to learn. This schoolwide program complements existing educational strategies by improving the physiological underpinnings of learning and behavior.
Groundbreaking research on schools with a Quiet Time program has found :
- 10% improvement in test scores—and a narrowing of the achievement gap
- Highly effective for increasing creativity
- Improved teacher retention and reduced teacher burnout
- Greater happiness, focus and self-confidence
- Reduced ADHD symptoms and symptoms of other learning disorders
- 86% reduction in suspensions over two years
- 40% reduction in psychological distress, including stress, anxiety and depression
- 65% decrease in violent conflict over two years