Tutoring aims at assisting students to become independent learners and remain motivated towards success. The tutor plays a vital and multifaceted role in supporting students’ academic learning.
- supportive of the self-directed approach as an effective method of teaching.
- They recognize the place of the tutorial as a forum for students to integrate information, obtain guidance and feedback.
- The tutors play a vital role in encouraging critical thinking and ensuring that the students’ knowledge is challenged and probed.
- They also recognize the evolving process of group development and the different roles that a facilitator plays at different stages.
The tutors at Ramagya are skilled at facilitating teaching through stimulating questions and challenging the students as and when necessary. Tutors at Ramagya holds a vital position in the students’ academic education. They provide assistance in all the subjects depending upon the needs of the student.
- A special child is taught with special learning strategies to help him or she performs better in school and overcomes obstacles of learning.
- Since special needs students often struggle in school, a tutor here is a good way to help them keep up with their classmates.
A Ramagyan tutor also benefits a child who is considered gifted, by providing enrichment activities, the tutor here, instructs a student who excels in school to look at subjects on a deeper level. Often this is based on the child’s interests and talents.
For example, a child who does very well in reading at school may work with a tutor to pursue reading practices beyond what is being taught at the child’s current grade level. The student may work with a tutor to read more complicated books and stories and do a more in-depth analysis of what has been read.