Every Ramagya student belongs to a House during their time at the school. This House is like a family to them, as its the root of many friendships and the students spend a considerable amount of time preparing together for the various inter-house activities organised at school.
In addition to the activities of the wider school, every House has its own community life. Either the House as a whole, or smaller groups from within it, can work together to stage concerts, put on plays or musicals, compete in sporting competitions, or organise social outings and events.
To encourage a healthy competitive spirit among the students we have a House grouping starting from Class I.
The 4 Houses are :
The House system instils qualities of leadership, cooperation, mutual understanding, tolerance and self-reliance. Various activities like declamations, debates, group discussions, dramatics, quiz, singing, dance, sports etc. are organized to build team spirit. Each House has a House-mistress & group of teachers to guide the students in their curricular & co-curricular activities.